Protecting God's Children - Safe Environment
In an ongoing effort to protect and provide safe environments for children and vulnerable adults in our community, St. Elizabeth Church mandates compliance with Diocesan and USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) policies as well as local laws. To accomplish this, we provide a Code of Conduct for all parish volunteers and employees as well as mandating training and resources for all who work with minors in our community.
For information regarding volunteering with minors, please select the Religious Education link from the menu bar above and click on the link for P.R.E.P. to read an overview and access the Parent Handbook. There are links on these pages that allow you to view a printable Volunteer Application. During open PREP registration or by consulting with the Director of Religious Education, an online Volunteer Application is available.
To work with minors in our Parish Community, a Volunteer Application must be completed and signed and an interview arranged with the Director of Religious Education to begin this process. Completion of the interview, reference checks, background checks (Ohio BCI&I and/or FBI) and a Protecting God's Children training session is required prior to working with minors.
A Code of Conduct is published here on our website and is part of the Volunteer Application. This Volunteer Application is required to be completed annually, even if you have volunteered with us in the past.
Additional resources and links to Diocesan and USCCB resources are also available at the links below: