The St. Vincent de Paul Conference
The St. Vincent de Paul Conference at St. Elizabeth Parish is dedicated to serving the needs of the poor and others with special needs within the church boundaries (zip codes 43229 & 43231). They also package food items and maintain the St. Elizabeth Food Pantry which is open on the third and fourth Wednesday of the month from 9 am to noon.
The St. Vincent de Paul Conference are members of St. Elizabeth Parish who volunteer their time to help others in need. We prepare sandwiches for Saint Lawrence Haven (an organization that serves lunch every day to those in need); and work with the Diocesan Joint Organization for Inner-city Needs (J.O.I.N.) to help meet needs of those in our area. Funds to support our cause are gathered with special church collections taken up the 5th Sunday of the month (about 4 times per year).
St. Vincent de Paul Conference Voice Mail: 614-891-0150 ext. 110
President: Robin Racine
Vice President, Client Coordinator: Doug Schrage
Vice President,Food Pantry: Howard Van Oss
Treasurer: Liz Klein