Music Ministry

There are many ways to become involved with music at St. Elizabeth...we have choirs that sing chorally, a guitar group, cantors, a multicultural choir and many assorted instrumentalists.  If you want to be involved...we'll find a way!  And, there is always room for one more.  Our choirs generally are active from September through June with a couple months "off" in the summer.  That being said, we are very open to singing "seasonally" or as your schedule allows.  If you would like to sing or play but can't commit to every week or all year, please seek out Pam Hamann, our Director,  and have the conversation about how you would like to be involved.  We WANT you!!

9:00 am Choir 

The 9AM Choir practices on Wednesday evenings in the sanctuary 7:00- 9:00 p.m.  Please check the parish website for any last minute changes.  If you are interested in singing in the choir, please fill out the form below or contact the Music Director, Pam Hamann

11:00 am Choir 

The 11AM Choir practices TBAon Thursday evenings in the sanctuary 7:00-9:00 p.m. Please check the parish website for any last minute changes.    If you are interested in singing in the choir, please fill out the form below or contact the Music Director, Pam Hamann

11:00 am Multicultural Choir

This group is new here at St. Elizabeth, joining us from St. Anthony Church.  This group currently sings every other weekend and some holidays.  They rehearse here at the church on Saturday evenings from 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. in  classrooms 7 and 8.

Interested in joining St. Elizabeth's Choir?



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